#include#include int myarray[50000]={1,2,3,4,5};int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ return 0;}
#include#include int myarray[50000];int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ myarray[0]=3; return 0;}
如果你用ls -l命令查看上面的2个程序文件的话,你就会发现两个文件的大小差别很大。其中的原因就在于第一个程序是中的myarray是已经初始化的静态数据,是可执行模块的一部分,所以会比版本2的程序大很多。
#include#include extern char ** environ;int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ int i; printf("The environment list is as floows:\n"); for ( i = 0; environ[i]!=NULL; ++i) { printf("*environ[%d]: %s\n",i,environ[i] ); } return 0;}
#include#include int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ char* str; str=getenv("PATH"); if(str!=NULL){ printf("%s\n",str ); }else{ printf("doesn't exits PATH \n"); } return 0;}
#include#include #include #include #include static void showtimes(){ double ticks; struct tms tinfo; if((ticks=(double)sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK))== -1){ perror("Filed to detemine clock ticks per second\n"); }else if(times(&tinfo)==(clock_t)-1){ perror("Filed to get times infomation\n"); }else{ fprintf(stderr, "user time: %f seconds\n",tinfo.tms_utime/ticks ); fprintf(stderr, "system time: %f seconds\n",tinfo.tms_stime/ticks ); fprintf(stderr, "childermn's user time: %f seconds\n",tinfo.tms_cutime/ticks ); fprintf(stderr, "childermn's system time: %f seconds\n",tinfo.tms_cstime/ticks ); }}int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ if(atexit(showtimes)){ fprintf(stderr, "Filed to install showtimes function\n" ); exit(1); } return 0;}
#include#include static void function1();static void function2();int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ printf("main function start...\n"); if(atexit(function1)){ fprintf(stderr, "atexit function calls error\n"); exit(1); } if (atexit(function2)) { fprintf(stderr, "atexit function calls error\n"); exit(1); } printf("main function end...\n"); return 0;}static void function1(){ printf("This is function1\n");}static void function2(){ printf("This is function2\n");}/* this program run result as follows: main function start... main function end... This is function2 This is function1*/
#include#include int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ system("ps ax"); return 0;}